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The MEIBC Management Committee (MANCO) Meeting held on the 17 September 2014 discussed and adopted the following resolutions that included a resolution that mandated the Office of the General Secretary of MEIBC in compliance with Section 32 of the Labour Relations Act of 1995, read with the MEIBC Constitution to take all steps necessary to request the Minister of Labour to extend the Collective Main Agreement, incorporating the provisions of the 29 July 2014 MEIBC Settlement Agreement and its annexures to non-parties that are within the scope of the MEIBC and operate within the scope of application of the agreement.



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The MEIBC Management Committee (MANCO) Meeting held on the 17 September 2014 discussed and adopted the following resolutions that included a resolution that mandated the Office of the General Secretary of MEIBC in compliance with Section 32 of the Labour Relations Act of 1995, read with the MEIBC Constitution to take all steps necessary to request the Minister of Labour to extend the Collective Main Agreement, incorporating the provisions of the 29 July 2014 MEIBC Settlement Agreement and its annexures to non-parties that are within the scope of the MEIBC and operate within the scope of application of the agreement.