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The Special Manco of the Meibc on 29 June 2016 resolved to extend the period of operation of the Admin &
Expenses collective agreement which expired on 30 June 2016 for non-parties for a further period of 12
months from the date of publication of a notice to that effect by the Department of Labour.
An application to the DoL is in progress and it is envisaged that the said notice will be published during the
month of August 2016.


The Special Manco of the Meibc on 29 June 2016 resolved to extend the period of operation of the Admin &
Expenses collective agreement which expired on 30 June 2016 for non-parties for a further period of 12
months from the date of publication of a notice to that effect by the Department of Labour.
An application to the DoL is in progress and it is envisaged that the said notice will be published during the
month of August 2016.

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